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What We Do

Our services are extensive and thorough.

logo for CES Our Strategic Partner Our unique process encompasses auditing & development, bidding & negotiations, implementation and ongoing management. GSCM Group clients realize savings within one billing cycle and can receive additional results in as little as 30 to 60 days from signing. Waste cost savings analysis is detailed and reviewed by the client prior to implementation and can commence even with existing contracts. This is just one of the many ways in which the GSCM Group achieves cost-savings measures for clients of all shapes and sizes within the continental United States.

Cost savings means more profit for your business. Click on a service below to learn more.

icon of Detailed Analysis
Detailed Analysis

Comprehensive Auditing, Program and Pricing Review to carefully analyze your facility's specific waste needs.

icon of Strategic Alliances
Strategic Alliances

Aggregate Pricing Strategic Alliances providing our clients with cost savings and rebate opportunities through hundreds of qualified vendors.

icon of One Point of Contact
One Point of Contact

Delivering unparalleled customer services and ongoing management through one primary provider.

icon of Invoice Management
Invoice Management

Includes monthly invoice review, vendor payments, customized reports and electronic billing.

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Who we work with

Business types we frequently service

icon of Government & Finance
Government & Finance

Government agencies, event venues, banks, municipalities, airports

icon of Housing, Lodging, & Education
Housing, Lodging, & Education

Apartments, HOS's, Hotels, Recreation & Resorts, Churches, College Campuses

icon of Retail Stores & Offices
Retail Stores & Offices

Grocery Chains, Offices, Healthcare, Malls, Restaurants

icon of Facilities

Fabrication, Distribution & Logistics, Warehouses, Manufacturing, Automotive

Cost savings available

Waste Management Categories

icon of Medical & Industrial Waste
Medical & Industrial Waste

Regulated Medical Waste, Pharmaceutical Waste, Hazardous Waste, Liquid/Oil/Grease, Food Waste, Composting

icon of office waste
Office Waste

Document Shredding & Certified Destruction, C & D Waste, Office Paper, E-Waste

icon of typical waste
Typical Waste

Cardboard, Styrofoam, Metal/Wood/Cans/Glass, Plastic/Stretch Wrap

icon of a tree
Other Waste

Rubber Tires, Grass/Leaves/Clippings, Universal Waste, Solid Waste & Recycling

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Our process

The GSCM Group uses a unique approach to get the best results for our clients and customers.

There are many new collection methods, different waste classifications and/or new processes in the marketplace to capture and reduce waste costs that many companies are unaware of. We do not seek to change the service of your existing service providers, recycling companies and/or dump sites. We simply investigate the methodology and other important cost factors. We make recommendations, negotiate on your organization’s behalf and present your team with successful, cost effective options.

Our goal at the GSCM Group is to develop and establish a comprehensive concept and plan. The objective of our recommendations, waste and recycling plans and programs is to obtain the lowest fees, highest rebates, best terms and most efficient way to service your company’s/organization’s needs for all types of waste generated. We educate our clients on how to maximize recyclable values while reducing waste costs. Our system, designs and solutions are derived from years of overcoming challenges and presenting unique programs that reduce costs for over 30 different waste categories.

The GSCM Group offers 24/7 value-added services which assist our clients in managing and streamlining services and costs. Invoice billing management tools reduce administrative costs and organize the overall process of cost savings waste management. This comprehensive process will make it simple to manage all aspects of your waste and recycling programs.

And remember, at the end of the day, the GSCM Group is here to help you save money and increase your profits.

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More savings opportunities

Our additional services help you get more from your relationship with the GSCM group.

The GSCM Group along with our group of strategic partners from across the globe, have many capabilities that will benefit your company. Please read the categories of solutions we offer to our clients worldwide!

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